♦ Organizacija nastave: travanj - lipanj 2024.
ZBRKANE BASNE - PŠ Suha Katalena
Zvučne slikovnice: Djevojčica u šumi,Čajanka u ZOO vrtu
Branka Grubić "Coco" - 1.r OŠ KP
Oživi likove Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić
Stop nasilju 2019.
Moja županija bez korupcije - PŠ Prugovac
Anketa o profesionalnim namjerama učenika OŠ školska godina 2022./2023.
Kalkulator bodova
Popis predmeta posebno važnih za upis
Broj bodova potrebnih za upis
The European Day of Languages (EDL) was first celebrated in 2001 during the European Year of Languages.
At the end of this campaign the Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers decided to make EDL an annual event, to be celebrated each 26 September. Every year, millions of people in the Council's member states and elsewhere organise or take part in activities to promote linguistic diversity and the ability to speak other languages.
In our school (Kloštar Podravski and Podravske Sesvete) teachers Renata Bratanović Palaić, Mihaela Globan Lisjak and Danijela Jakelić took the opportunity to celebrate all of Europe's languages with their pupils from fifth to eighth grade, including those that are less widely spoken and the languages of migrants.
Amić Lorena (6.b)