♦ Organizacija nastave: travanj - lipanj 2024.
ZBRKANE BASNE - PŠ Suha Katalena
Zvučne slikovnice: Djevojčica u šumi,Čajanka u ZOO vrtu
Branka Grubić "Coco" - 1.r OŠ KP
Oživi likove Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić
Stop nasilju 2019.
Moja županija bez korupcije - PŠ Prugovac
Anketa o profesionalnim namjerama učenika OŠ školska godina 2022./2023.
Kalkulator bodova
Popis predmeta posebno važnih za upis
Broj bodova potrebnih za upis
English page
Klostar Podravski is situated in the northwest Croatia, behind higfway of Podravina and railroad Zagreb-Osijek. In the south-west from Kloštar Podravski there is a Mounth of Bilogora and in the north there is an end of Sands of Podravina. In the north-east there is a river Drava. The village is famous for it`s rich gas resources, sands and gravel. Students from the nearly places attend Primary school Kloštar Podravski. They are from Podravske Sesvete, Mekiš, Brodić, Kozarevac, Prugovac i Suha Katalena.
These places are distanced from the main school for about 5-9 km and they are good conected by bus. In these villages there is mostly agricultural population and the others work in different industrial branches. There are lots of cultural activities in our school. Students can participate in different activities such as group for traditional dances and customs, group for modern dance, Art Groups etc. Students are active and they visit lots of schools and participate in differentperformances and contetswhere they get good results.