♦ Organizacija nastave: travanj - lipanj 2024.
ZBRKANE BASNE - PŠ Suha Katalena
Zvučne slikovnice: Djevojčica u šumi,Čajanka u ZOO vrtu
Branka Grubić "Coco" - 1.r OŠ KP
Oživi likove Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić
Stop nasilju 2019.
Moja županija bez korupcije - PŠ Prugovac
Anketa o profesionalnim namjerama učenika OŠ školska godina 2022./2023.
Kalkulator bodova
Popis predmeta posebno važnih za upis
Broj bodova potrebnih za upis
After the World Teacher's Day (October 5th), the ceremony of promotion of educators, teachers and teaching associates into mentors and advisors was held at the National and University Library in Zagreb on October 6, 2017.
The ceremony was attended by the Minister of Science and Education, prof. Ph. D. Blaženka Divjak, Director of the Agency for Education, Jadranka Žarković-Pečenković, prof. and Director of the National and University Library in Zagreb, Ph.D. Tatijana Petrić. Minister Blaženka Divjak expressed her support to all educators, teachers, teaching advisors and professional associates who, through their creativity and selfless investment, promote upbringing and education in our country.
We are particularly proud to announce that among the promoted teachers were teachers from the Kloštar Podravski Elementary School: Ph. D. Vlado Halusek, Physics teacher - promoted as teacher advisor and Danijela Jakelić, English Language teacher - promoted as teacher mentor.